
Tonight's a great night for a beer outside. Yesterday was good too, and tomorrow's also a nice option, but really there's no time like the present to try a beer that you're simply not going to find on tap elsewhere in town, like Mikerphone Limon Cello, Solemn Oath Man Vs Internet, and Revolution Ryeway to Heaven, just to name drop a few. Plus all steaks and bottles of house wine are $5 off on Thursdays, so you just relax &, kick back while we crank up the grill and handle the dishes tonight. Mussels, white sangria, and more summer features keep popping up on our daily features — stop in to find out what's fresh!

Tonight's a great night for a beer outside. Yesterday was good too, and tomorrow's also a nice option, but really there's no time like the present to try a beer that you're simply not going to find on tap elsewhere in town, like Mikerphone Limon Cello, Solemn Oath Man Vs Internet, and Revolution Ryeway to Heaven, just to name drop a few. Plus all steaks and bottles of house wine are $5 off on Thursdays, so you just relax &, kick back while we crank up the grill and handle the dishes tonight. Mussels, white sangria, and more summer features keep popping up on our daily features — stop in to find out what's fresh!